Hugo + headless CMS (multi-lang site)

Hey, I am looking for someone who could help me up building this specific stack:
Multilang Hugo + headless CMS like Prismic or NetlifyCMS.

The detailed brief with all requirements can be found on Notion linked below:

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Have you had a look at Forestry?

It’s very straightforward to hook into Hugo and might be helpful for you to use as a CMS layer if you can’t find someone to hire. I would personally love a project like this but not taking on new freelance work at the moment.

Multi-language support is also fairly easy to do with Hugo and I would recommend including it as part of the build you need initially (not in a second version) because it involves site config and is easier to just set up in one go.

Hope you can find someone!

Hey, you are right - Forestry sounds like something that will fit the requirements. Might be able to do it on my own, will give it a few hours today and see how it goes :smiley:

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You may want to provide a more conventional means of contact. Not everyone, myself included, will have Facebook Messenger. I’d suggest an email address at the least…

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Ah good to hear - good luck!

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