Hi! I have installed Hugo on my local machine, created a site (C:\Hugo\Sites\mysite) and happily made a theme for it. I can see my website at localhost:1313. So far so good.
Now I have installed GitHub, GitHub Desktop and VSC. I can see two folders in another place C:\Users\Mary\Documents\GitHub and C:\Users\Mary\Documents\HugoVSC. Is it okay? Or they should be inside C:\Hugo\Sites folder?
I want to upload my website to GitHub to make some more changes and follow them. I also want to publish the website later. But here I am stuck.
1.What am I to upload to my repository? All the files from C:\Hugo\Sites\mysite? Or only my theme? And the other files stay only on my local machine?
2. I plan to make another website later. So am I to make a project (not a repository) for my first website? Should I have public or private repository/project if one of my themes is bought from another designer and I have no right to make it public?
3. When I try to “Add an existing repository from my hard drive…” in GitHub Desktop and choose C:\Hugo (or C:\Hugo\Sites\mysite) as a source I get this message “This directory does not appear to be a Git repository”. Is it because the folder is not inside C:\Users\Mary\Documents\GitHub? Should I move some files from one folder to another on my hard drive before adding it to GitHub repository? Or should I make some more settings in GitHub Desktop? Or should I reinstall it in some other way?
4. I can see that other users on GitHub include “static/images” and “content” folders into their Hugo themes repository. Am I to do the same and wait until my repo size is about 1 or 2 GB or should I use some other place (Dropbox or git-lfr.github.com) to store my md files and my images from the very beginning? As for git-lfr, where am I to put it? Inside C:\Hugo or wherever I like? Where can I get a suitable gitignore?
I have perused a lot of tutorials and articles about Hugo and GitHub for the last two weeks but I am afraid there is too much info for a beginner like me to move from the spot and get somewhere. Please help!