Hugo Academic: YAML syntax error

I have updated my website with the latest hugo_academic in RStudio (1.2.5001). However, instead of replacing the current website I get YAML syntax error ‘GitHub Pages failed to build your site’ with a rather uninformative error message on the repo page in GitHub (in full below). Feel free to clone the git repo GitHub - CWWhitney/ Website.

Both commands blogdown::serve_site() in the R console and hugo server in the terminal work fine. They build a temporary site but it does not overcome the issue in the repo.

The error reads:

GitHub Pages failed to build your site. There was a YAML syntax error on line 4 column 1 in <unknown>): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 4 column 1 YAML Exception reading themes/ hugo-academic/ archetypes/ slides/ [...] publication / [...] project / [...] talk/ [...] [...] [...] did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping" ([...] is paraphrasing for repeated text).

The error is actually very informative. In each of these files the first param is trying to use a .Name param, which doesn’t exist for those page types. If you copied this from the Academic theme, then the place to ask for assistance would be one of the support channels on their website: