How to show all taxonomies and there terms in single.html


I’m the developer of Hugo-Vitae and are stuck at a problem with the taxonomies and terms. At the moment the taxonomy path is fix on /tags/ but I want to be able to show all created taxonomies and there terms under the content. The single.html part for this looks like this at the moment:

<div class="tags">
    {{ if ne .Type "page" }}
        {{ range .Params.tags }}
            <a href="{{ "/tags/" | relLangURL }}{{ . | urlize }}">{{ . }}</a>
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

Let’s say I have some posts that have tags and others that have themes, then it should show every term no matter of its taxonomy under the content in the single.html. Afterwards I want be able to make specific menu entries for the taxonomies where only the terms to the taxonomy are listed. Like tags and `themes.

I want it to be so flexible so the users can better decide which name there taxonomies have.

I hope some people here can help me.



Hey there.

You want to go through site.Taxonomies. It will list all taxonomies. Key is the taxononomy name, value is a slice of terms.

so on your page single.html you should:

{{ range $taxonomy, $terms :=  site.Taxonomies }}
  {{ with index $.Params $taxonomy }}
     <h2>{{ $taxonomy | humanize }}</h2>
     {{ range . }}
     [... build your term's link here]
     {{ end }}
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

:point_up_2:This has not been tested. Might need some tweaking if it fails at first try but you get the gist.


Hello @regis,

thank you for this first hint. I tried a bit with it and I have no clue what is happening.

I tried this alone but this gives not even an output:

{{ range $taxonomy :=  site.Taxonomies }}
  {{ with index $.Params . }}
     <h2>{{ $taxonomy | humanize }}</h2>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

When I try:

{{ range $taxonomy :=  site.Taxonomies }}
    <h2>{{ $taxonomy }}</h2>
{{ end }}

I get at least this:

map[themes-guide:[WeightedPage(0,"Markdown Syntax Guide")]]
map[css:[WeightedPage(0,"Markdown Syntax Guide")]
emoji:[WeightedPage(0,"Emoji Support")]
html:[WeightedPage(0,"Markdown Syntax Guide")]
markdown:[WeightedPage(0,"Markdown Syntax Guide") WeightedPage(0,"Placeholder Text")] 
primer:[WeightedPage(0,"Primer: When You Have Too Much to Do")] 
privacy:[WeightedPage(0,"Rich Content")] 
procrastinating:[WeightedPage(0,"How I Learned to Stop Procrastinating, & Love Letting Go")] 
shortcodes:[WeightedPage(0,"Rich Content")] 
space:[WeightedPage(0,"Fearlessness: How to Stop Running from Space")] text:[WeightedPage(0,"Placeholder Text")] themes:[WeightedPage(0,"Markdown Syntax Guide")] todo:[WeightedPage(0,"Primer: When You Have Too Much to Do")]]

I’m not really good with golang maybe you can help me a bit further?

I also don’t know what the term link should look like. :frowning:

[... build your term's link here]


Yes! Forgot to store key/value in variables for it to work :wink:

I’m sorry @regis I need to disturb you one more time.

How could I check if a Taxonomy is empty for a post?

I tried {{ .Params ".$taxonomyname" }} but maybe I’m to dump for the golang syntax…

{{ with index $.Params $taxonomyname }}
{{ end }}

:point_up_2:This should work. If not, check if $taxonomyname is plural or singular, should be plural and therefor matching your Front Matter key but I’m not sure.

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This worked directly like a charm. :slight_smile:

THANKS A LOT. :slight_smile:

I updated my initial suggestion