and the definition of the summary_minus_toc.html partial contains that replaceRE expression at the very end (needs Hugo v0.48+):
{{ $out := "" }}
{{- with .Description -}}
{{- $out = . | markdownify | printf "<p>%s</p>" | safeHTML -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $summary_has_org_toc := substr .Content 0 30 | findRE "[\".]ox-hugo-toc" -}}
{{- if $summary_has_org_toc -}}
{{- $content_splits := split .RawContent "<!--endtoc-->" -}} <!-- Need to use .RawContent as we will be parsing for 'more' comment later. -->
<!-- If Org TOC is present, the special comment endtoc would also be present.
In that case, output only the part *after* that comment as Summary. -->
{{- $summary_raw := index $content_splits 1 -}}
{{- $summary_splits := split $summary_raw "<!--more-->" -}}
{{- if eq (len $summary_splits) 2 -}}
{{- $out = index $summary_splits 0 | markdownify -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $out = $summary_raw | markdownify | truncate 300 -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
<!-- Print the whole Summary if endtoc special comment is not found. -->
{{- $out = .Summary | printf "<p>%s</p>" | safeHTML -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
<!-- Strip off footnote links as those relative won't be valid on list pages.
Example footnote link:
<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:fn-1"><a href="#fn:fn-1">1</a></sup>
{{- $out = $out | replaceRE `<sup.*footnote-ref.*><a href.*#fn:.*/a></sup>` "" | safeHTML -}}
{{ $out }}
[ The same thing could have been done earlier without var overrides, by using .Scratch ]
No footnote links in summaries!
The same summary block that I pasted in my first post in this thread is now broken-footnote-link-free (of course, over time, the content has slightly changed, and my site theme has improved considerably ):