Pretty much the title. I tried making changes in assets/bootstrap/dist/css but it won’t show. First time using Hugo. Can someone pleas help?
This is something that is specific to the theme, so you should refer to the theme documentation or ask the theme author.
Thanks. There is no theme documentation but I have reached out to the theme author
Just for anyone new with similar problems.
I looked at this themes default baseof.html layout and saw that will call a head partial and that in turn calls a resources partial.
In that you see:
<!-- Load Shared SCSS -->
{{- $sharedSCSS := resources.Get "scss/shared/shared.scss" -}}
{{- $sharedSCSS := $sharedSCSS | resources.ToCSS (dict "outputStyle" "compressed" "includePaths" (slice "assets")) -}}
{{- $sharedSCSS := $sharedSCSS | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "main.scss" . -}}
So the css file you are looking at doesn’t get used as far as I can tell.
Instead you need to edit with main or shared.scss
Alternatively you could make a custom.css and append that in the same way these two are merged.