I’m trying to make a new site with Hugo (following the tutorial in the docs) and I get the following error:
WARN 2022/12/17 19:16:16 Module “ananke” is not compatible with this Hugo version; run “hugo mod graph” for more information.
How do I fix it?
Type hugo version
to determine which version of Hugo you are running.
Then compare it to:
I’m a couple versions behind? That’s what apt had.
versions will be frozen at the LTS release date.
Have a look at the other installation options:
The Snap package is easy to use and up-to-date.
Installed the Snap (and uninstalled the apt binary) but it won’t work. When I try to run hugo it give me a command not found error.
Never mind it works now just needed to restart my ssh session for some reason
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