Hello Hugobricks - alpha

Sometimes your are lucky,
… seeing a biutiful project grow in front of your eyes, at your fingertips and collaborate ?

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Hugobricks in the making.

comments/suggestions are more than welcomed :slight_smile:

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A shout-out to the MIT licensed Hugo boilerplate from Zeon studio, who did a terrific job on the design on which this theme is based (as you can read in the readme). If you like Tailwind (and I know a lot of you do), be sure to check out their excellent work!


Today we had a discussion on

Blocks vs Components vs (Hugo)bricks

- WPress Gutenberg blocks / Elementor ( React JS made) - Stackbit ?
- Hugobricks: (partials/layouts/shortcodes) + (powerful CSS3) based ?

At wish… Make you comments below ! :

Well, just to share with you that we are going into detailed documentation process… Enjoy!

Here we talk about hugo ‘bricks vs shortcodes’ :sunny:

« […] You might wonder what the difference is between a Hugo ‘shortcode’ and a Hugo ‘brick’. Shortcodes are placing reusable content in a kind of ‘inline’ way (say in between two paragraphs). An example of a shortcode is a video. Bricks are complete sets of content. An example of a shortcode is a call-to-action block/brick. Below you find a list of available shortcodes. […]»

I like the look of the docs pages. :+1:

One comment I have on that page you linked would be about the difference between a brick and a partial. Is brick just a more approachable term? Or is there a different design philosophy?

We see it like this: A brick is a set of content items that (together) form a reusable part of a page.

An example is a Call To Action (CTA) brick. This brick contains a title, a text, a button and an image and shows up on many places in your website. Bricks are stackable. The brick is invoked by calling a shortcode with inner content… and pages basically become a set of shortcodes. So, if anything, a brick is a shortcode and not a partial.

That being said… the design difference between a partial and these shortcodes is mainly that we want the content to be in between the shortcode tags, thus on the page itself. This makes the page look like an actual content page (split up by shortcode tags). The shortcode tags determine how (each part of) the content is rendered.

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