Great community management

I have great respect for Joe Mooring in Hugo forum. He always comes up with quality response to any knowledge level question. I will say thanks for being here and sharing your quality advice :pray:

Q: how to support Hugo community other than likes?

1 response of Joe Mooring really saved me alot of time and I converted a big client who have really big blog/article website made with Wordpress to Hugo.

so I suggested bep this:

I have a suggestion, give me as a Hugo beginner the option to support the solutions of my choice. people give back knowledge which I do not have so I can give back my appreciation in the way I can.

I see some really great answers specially to my 1 recent post. is there a way to select a person on this website and make a thank you payment …

after getting no response to that I thought maybe I ask Joe Mooring directly

Do you have any support page like on this website, blog, patriot that I can subscribe or like or follow to help back

So again I didnt get any response I end up giving the client discount since it only took me a day to convert the website using Joe mooring’s technique. My question is other than likes in what other ways you guys support community experts? thanks.

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