Git clone themes creates empty folders

While following documentation to “Install All Themes” at I have discovered many of the themes are created with empty folders. Is there a reason or explanation for this?
command= git clone --depth 1 --recursive themes
result= 62 folders empty ( with only a .git file created )
For a specific examples the themes hyde and ananke exhibits this behavior.
Thank You!

No one else has reported that happening, so I suspect it is your system or the way you have git configured. Please try on another computer and include steps to reproduce. :slight_smile:

Thank you for responding!
Steps to reproduce.

  1. gohugo.io_themes_installing-and-using-themes - meet assumptions
  2. gohugo.io_getting-started_installing - install
  3. -Create a micro debian instance in GCE
  4. ssh to instance
  5. sudo apt-get install hugo ; sudo apt-get install git
  6. gohugo.io_getting-started_quick-start - goto quick start version and quick install
  7. gohugo.io_getting-started_quick-start_#step-3-add-a-theme
  8. ensure ananke theme is present in themes directory
  9. cd to quickstart directory; rm -rf themes directory
  10. git clone --depth 1 --recursive ???github.com_gohugoio_hugoThemes.git themes
  11. find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec bash -c “echo -ne '{} '; ls ‘{}’ | wc -l” ;| grep " 0" | wc -l = 62
  12. find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec bash -c “echo -ne '{} '; ls ‘{}’ | wc -l” ;| grep " 0" - lists which ones
  13. cd and verify.
  14. tear down vm
    Note: new users posts are limited so this post is mangled

Rather than try to get through all those steps as typed (I understand the restraints), let’s just get through chunks of this.

Can you get it working as you expect on your local machine? What exactly are you trying to do? Show me how it works for you locally, so I can reproduce that part.

Thanks for responding!
Under the Hugo documentation, installing all themes at there is a command:

git clone --depth 1 --recursive themes

Assuming you are using a linux environment, make a temporary directory, cd to that directory and issue the git clone command.
This will create the themes directory.
The individual hugo theme folders are created 63 of which will be empty. Tree command is useful…

For the new un-initiated user, the creation of empty themes causes confusion when trying out new themes. At least it did for me. :slight_smile:
Maybe a warning in red in the documentation to be aware of this would be a start? Fix Git? Other recommendations are welcome??

The command in question is: git clone --depth 1 --recursive themes

That took up all my local bandwidth, so I ran it on a VPS with a large pipe, and it still took a while, but all the themes downloaded. The current warning is sufficient:

Depending on your internet connection the download of all themes might take a while.

If we change the docs, my only recommendation would be to link to the relevant git docs. When you ran the command, did it download all the files? What was your output? It should have taken an 30 minutes or more, for most home users.

I don’t think my Google Cloud instance has too much of a bandwidth issue. :grinning:
It looks like someone fixed the git repository… Thank You!!
I will update my themes.
5141 directories, 43191 files
6583 directories, 47333 files
And test case Nixon is populated as well as many others…!!