Pretty basic, but cannot figure it out:
How to get a list of pages whose date
and lastmod
value are equal?
My line of thought was:
{{ $pages := where .Site.RegularPages "Date" "Lastmod" }}
Pretty basic, but cannot figure it out:
How to get a list of pages whose date
and lastmod
value are equal?
My line of thought was:
{{ $pages := where .Site.RegularPages "Date" "Lastmod" }}
You can do it using an if statement:
{{ range .Site.RegularPages }}
{{ if eq .Date .Lastmod }}
//output page content
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Note: for .Lastmod to work in this case you should have GitInfo enabled. Otherwise it will default to the .Date.
Thanks for the suggestion. That looks like a good workaround. But in an ideal situation I want to check whether those pages exist first. That way I can have conditional formatting based on it.
In pseudo-code that looks as follows:
{{ $pages := where .Site.RegularPages "Date" "Lastmod" }}
{{ if gt (len $pages) 0 }}
<!-- All conditional formatting here -->
{{ range $pages }}
<!-- Output pages -->
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
If it isn’t possible then I’ll settle on using two loops: one that counts, and the other from your example that outputs.