"where" using date comparisons - appreciate a hint

I’m trying to get a range of pages where lastmod is later than a Unix date that I specify in site frontmatter.

  • Range on $test1 gives me the expected pages, with expected Unix date integers : OK
  • Range on $test2 is always empty, no matter how I mess around with the where operators :frowning:
{{ $test1 := ( site.Pages.ByLastmod | last 12).Reverse }}
{{ range $test1 }}
  <p> #1  Date {{ .Lastmod.Unix }} updatebase {{ site.Params.updatebase }} {{.Title }}</p>
{{ end }}
{{ $test2 := ( ( where site.Pages.ByLastmod .Lastmod.Unix "gt" site.Params.updatebase )| last 12).Reverse }}
{{ range $test2 }}
  <p> #2 Date {{ .Lastmod.Unix }} updatebase {{ site.Params.updatebase }} {{.Title }}</p>
{{ end }}

I’m sure it must be simple. but I cannot see it…
Thanks so much for a hint.

where takes the following input:


so it takes .Unix as part of the map key, instead of performing that function on .Lastmod, as in the example in the docs with Params.series.

Try instead something like:

{{ $ud := time site.Params.updatebase }}
{{ $test2 := ( (where site.Pages.ByLastmod "Lastmod" "gt" $ud) | last 12 ).Reverse }}

That’s it!!

Thank you, I was not looking in that direction and it would have taken me a loooong time without your help!