Found no layout for "taxonomyTerm", language

Hello, I updated Hugo to the last version (0.52) and now I have a problem

WARN 2018/12/19 13:53:05 Found no layout for "taxonomyTerm", language "kr", output format "HTML": create a template below /layouts with one of these filenames: tags/, tags/, tags/, tags/tags.terms.html.html, tags/terms.html.html, tags/list.html.html, tags/, tags/, tags/, tags/tags.terms.html, tags/terms.html, tags/list.html, taxonomy/, taxonomy/, taxonomy/, taxonomy/tags.terms.html.html, taxonomy/terms.html.html, taxonomy/list.html.html, taxonomy/, taxonomy/, taxonomy/, taxonomy/tags.terms.html, taxonomy/terms.html, taxonomy/list.html, _default/, _default/, _default/, _default/tags.terms.html.html, _default/terms.html.html, _default/list.html.html, _default/, _default/, _default/, _default/tags.terms.html, _default/terms.html, _default/list.html

What is it mean? Why should I create the same templates for each languages?

You don’t need to, the error message is generic. We look for the most specific template (with or without language code).

I think you must be setting an output format for a page kind and Hugo cannot find a template file for it.

Before, it would just not build it let you wonder why.

Yes, I skipped the template list.html. I don’t use it, but I see that it necessary.