Font selection in theme

Thank you @Leo_Merkel. I found your idea very appealing as it is generic and works across themes.

However, I found a difficulty with the suggestion from the link given because the + in the Google font name for multi-barrelled font names was being translated as %2b when the partial was rendered. This caused a 404 error and the chosen fonts were not being rendered.

I then came across this workaround by @pauby and tried it.

It works, and the + to space issue is circumvented as well.

FWIW, I giving below the MWE (minimal working example) in case it helps others:

  1. In config.toml I have these lines:

     googlefonts = ["Droid Sans", "Fira Mono"]
     fontbody = 'Droid Sans'
     fontcode = 'Fira Mono'
  2. In layouts/partials/head_custom.html, I have these lines:

     {{ range .Site.Params.googlefonts }}
           <link rel="stylesheet" {{ printf "href=\"//\"" . | safeHTMLAttr }} type="text/css" media="all" />
         {{ end }}
     body {
         font-family: '{{ .Site.Params.fontbody }}';
     code {
        font-family: '{{ .Site.Params.fontcode }}'; 

If there is a more elegant or compact way to achieve this, please advise me.

Thank you.

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