Website link:
Source code:
Background info
I made this website as a hobby in 2013. For the first couple of years I updated the content regularly. There’s about 641 item posts on it currently. In recent years I haven’t had time to update the content so much of the content on it is from 5+ years ago, but I am hoping to dedicate a little time every week to doing content updates.
Technical Info
When first launched I used a Wordpress custom theme, as that was one of the main platforms I used to develop on. In recent years I’ve moved to using static gens whenever possible. I had some time recently and I wanted to migrate the site from Wordpress to Hugo (as Hugo is my favorite static gen).
There were a few hiccups, but in the end it all worked out. My goals were a lightning quick website without sacrificing core functionality (my pagespeed score for most pages is around 99) and to focus the design on usability on mobile (~75% of all visitors on not on desktops).
I wanted to share this project with everyone, especially since I’ve come around here asking questions multiple times. I hope the source code can help anyone else trying to do similar things.
Thank you all!