Building HUGO extended version for ARM fails with below errors…
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm build --tags extended
gives an error.
build cannot load no Go source files
and in ubuntu
../../go/pkg/mod/ build constraints exclude all Go files in /home/mukhtharcm/go/pkg/mod/
is there any way to fix this?
Or Is there any place I can get hugo extended for arm ?
The Dev category is reserved for the discussion of new Hugo features.
Yours is a Support question
Also using asterisks in the topic title and H1 titles in a post is an eyesore.
Have you searched the forum for an answer?
It seems that this topic over here is relevant:
I have one of the nvidia jetson nano computers and I’m desperately seeking hugo --extended. I’ve tried
apt install which gives an old version (v0.40.1)
snap which gives an unextended version even with the --channel option for extended
binary install - there is an arm64 but not extended
clone from github && cd hugo && go install: also no extended
I’m using the zen theme which requires extended
I’m pretty new to go && hugo
There must be a way…?
But I have already tried –tags extended .
You can look above post to see this…
You have opened a GitHub issue and you got an answer:
It’s me that opened that issue. He said to ask in forum.
Thats why I asked here…
I do not use ARM so hopefully someone else can help you.
Thanks for considering…
But I am using armhf in Linux Deploy .
So you can reproduce that tooo…
@mukhtharcm Cross compiling is more complicated especially with the C/C++ libSass
How about natively built ARM version for Ubuntu?
See for the latest build there, right now at 0.63.2 (focal, i.e. the upcoming Ubuntu 20.04):
Also, ARM (armel, armhf, arm64) builds in Debian, now at the latest hugo 0.65.3:
Sorry, I am running ubuntu bionic on linux deploy. Thanks anyway for pointing me to this.
I am probably gonna install debian instead of Ubuntu.