Error when attempting quickstart

There are all kinds of problems with having ONLY one place you can locate a project. Adding snap-s to the equation just makes it ‘more’.

In my case I get an error from Go…

 $  cd HugoTrial-01/
 $  hugo new site quickstart
     2019/05/17 09:31:09.601981 cmd_run.go:876: WARNING: cannot create user data directory: failed to verify SELinux context of /home/aplatypus/snap: exec: "matchpathcon": executable file not found in $PATH
     2019/05/17 09:31:09.602221 cmd_run.go:521: WARNING: XAUTHORITY environment value is not a clean path: "/data/home/aplatypus/.Xauthority"

cannot perform operation: mount --rbind /dev /tmp/snap.rootfs_BFK3rp//dev: No such file or directory

The $HOME path is /home/aplatypus whenever scripts deviate from the standard variables or settings thing often go amiss.

Hope someone has a fix or workaround for this situation. Something like a quick start should be easy to do.

thanks in advance … aplatypus

Welcome to the forums. Please make a new topic for a new request, thanks.

I am not sure if this is a hugo problem, or, a “your environment” problem. I use Mac and various linuxes for deployment but put projects where I want and indeed, have had to do the normal things like making sure the hugo binary is in the path, and the permissions in the project folders are correct.

Perhaps someone with experience with the snap install can comment… And if you figure it out, improvements to the docs etc are welcome.