ERROR deprecated: .Site.Social + .Site.Authors in hugo v0.139.4 when there's any site.Social or site.Authors on any html template\code

I’m using this hugo template GitHub - gethugothemes/andromeda-light-hugo: Andromeda-light is a clean and modern Hugo SAAS Software theme. It perfectly fits any kind of SAAS Software. It is fully responsive, Superfast and powered by Bootstrap. , dont have any site.Social or site.Authors on any html template\code and im still getting this

my hugoversion is :
hugo v0.139.4-3afe91d4b1b069abbedd6a96ed755b1e12581dfe+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2024-12-09T17:45:23Z VendorInfo=snap:0.139.4

ERROR deprecated: .Site.Social was deprecated in Hugo v0.124.0 and will be removed in Hugo 0.140.0. Implement taxonomy ‘social’ or use .Site.Params.Social instead.
ERROR deprecated: .Site.Authors was deprecated in Hugo v0.124.0 and will be removed in Hugo 0.140.0. Implement taxonomy ‘authors’ or use .Site.Params.Author instead.


I’m unable to reproduce your issue using the exampleSite setup from the linked repo.

guess you are using an older version of the theme and an update will help.

or you have added something. no way to check without your repo.

btw grep -ir would be better to find