I have chosen to i18n my site with a directory per language. I have chosen to “localize” the section names in these directories. For instance I have two sections that deal with the same subject in different languages in these directories:
And of course “quelquechose” is the french translation of “something”
I now want to define a single template for this “subject”, spread in two directories. I can write a single template with all internal strings localised with the go-i18n function. But am I obliged to create two template files with the same content? These two files could be (as I understand):
Is there a way to tell Hugo that “something” section is the same as “quelquechose” section?
I understand that the other naming scheme of i18n files (ex subject.en.md and subject.fr.md) with slugs on section content and individual file content could solve my problem, but I prefer to have a directory per language.
Thank you