Does Hugo cache remote resources?

Do I need to add anything for remote JSON files to be cached in the resources folder? Because looking in there, no files there.

    dir = ':cacheDir/:project'
    maxAge = "168h"
    dir  = ':resourceDir/_gen'
    maxAge = "1440h"
    dir = ':resourceDir/_gen'
    maxAge  = -1

Looking in where?


With the configuration shown above, the result is stored in the cacheDir, not the resourceDir.

hugo config | grep cachedir

With Linux the above will show something like:


After clearing my cache and running a simple test:

tree ~/.cache/hugo_cache/


└── hugo-testing/
    └── filecache/
        └── getresource/
            └── 5925642490856772588
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@jmooring is there any need to commit these files or just .gitignore them?

Search this forum for “commit resources”. The short answer is… it depends.

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