Documentation of new [] parameter

It there a documentation for the new [] or [params.authors] configuration parameter? Best would be a documentation with a full example. Currently I don’t even know the correct spelling as both [] and [params.authors] was suggested.

Can I now set up multiple authors or is it still only one?

Currently I use the congo theme with the following author configuration:

  name				= 'Martin Krischik'
  email				= ''
  image				= 'images/Google-Avatar.png'
  links				= [
    { minds    = ""	    },
    { mewe     = ""	    },
    { steemit  = ""	    },
    { hive     = ""		    },
    { blurt    = ""		    },
    { twitter  = ""	    },
    { facebook = "" },
    { youtube  = ""	    }

If the Congo theme is responsible for rendering author information, you’ll need to work with the theme author as they transition away from .Site.Author in the coming months.