Docuapi deployment errors

Hi i am new to Hugo, and tried to set up the docuapi theme.

When i run hugo server -D i get this message

C:\Hugo\Sites\>hugo server -D
hugo: downloading modules …
hugo: collected modules in 6562 ms
Error: module “GitHub - slatedocs/slate: Beautiful static documentation for your API” not found; either add it as a Hugo Module or store it in “C:\Hugo\Sites\\themes”.: module does not exist

I can browse to the location GitHub - slatedocs/slate: Beautiful static documentation for your API - so don’t understand why it cant access/not found

I have downloaded (zip) from the above. I unzipped it to C:\Hugo\Sites\\themes

This created a folder called slate-main and within that, another folder called slate-main, within that the files. (C:\Hugo\Sites\\themes\slate-main\slate-main)

This didn’t work. (same error as above)

I copied the files into the second slate-main folder (C:\Hugo\Sites\\themes\slate-main\)

This didn’t work. (same error as above)

I copied the files into the root of themes (C:\Hugo\Sites\\themes)

This didn’t work. (same error as above)

Any idea why the option “store it in “C:\Hugo\Sites\\themes”” didnt work or how I add a add it as a hugo module.?


I tried hugo mod init…/slatedocs/slate, and get this error.

C:\Hugo\Sites\>hugo mod init …/slatedocs/slate
hugo: downloading modules …
go: …slatedocs/slate@upgrade: module …/slatedocs/slate: git ls-remote -q origin in C:\Users\user~1\AppData\Local\Temp\hugo_cache\modules\filecache\modules\pkg\mod\cache\vcs\c2c1e4665449b9056cda81eb788c69797cfcd15f05a635aa0de77a0da993cd68: exit status 128:
fatal: unable to access …/slatedocs/slate/': OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to …
hugo: collected modules in 20649 ms
WARN 2022/11/09 15:22:26 failed to get [“-d” “…”]: failed to …

The error is longer but as a new user cannot post more links
Thanks in advance

So, assuming you have a reasonably recent Go/Hugo version (check with go version/hugo version), you should be able to just include the theme in config.toml and run hugo.

What happens if you just

  1. clone GitHub - bep/docuapi: Beautiful multilingual API documentation theme for Hugo
  2. navigate into the exampleSite folder there and run hugo?

There might be some Windows issue here I don’t understand.

Version info

hugo v0.105.0-0e3b42b4a9bdeb4d866210819fc6ddcf51582ffa windows/amd64 BuildDate=2022-10-28T12:29:05Z VendorInfo=gohugoio

go version go1.19.3 windows/amd64

Although I did this by downloading the zip, I did it using clone.

and now… it works !! thank you…