Do you recommend hugo, gatsy or jekyll or what for ppl that knows absolutely nothing about any of this stuff?

do you recommend hugo, gatsy or jekyll or what for ppl that knows absolutely nothing about any of this stuff?

for github pages or netlify, not sure yet

trying to do this eventually

  1. ok so the first page woudl have basically my life goal

  2. on right side, there would be links to diff pages

  3. on each of the links, it’ll show a clickable table of contents

  4. clicking on a toc link expands that section of the toc link (so they are collapsible links)

  5. there’ also a toc / outline on the right side to navigate the page

pretty much it

please see this checklist when solving the questions asked

  1. are you using simple words? (clear)

  2. does everything you say answer or is relevant info to the questions asked?

  3. did you get to the point on the first line? (concise)

  4. are you using bullet points so it’s easy for anyone to see? (visually clear)

Same as what I mentioned in the other post you made then deleted. You need to do the work either way, but if as you mention you “know absolutely nothing about this stuff”, you have more work to start, and will need to get some basic skills first. Here are some links:

No, I do not.