Deploying to Cloudflare Pages is blank?

So I am doing a Hugo Blog on Cloudflare pages. I have set everything up and when I do Hugo server and look locally it is showing perfectly. When I go to Cloudflare pages and look its giving no errors in deployment but when I go to the site, its blank white. Nothing else.

GitHub - Nimrauko/BloggyBlog is my repo.

So, is it working now, or not?

It is not. When testing local it shows the Hugo blog perfectly. But when I go to Cloudflare pages and go to the url it just loads a white page.

The Cloudflare logs on the page shows everything is a success, but yet still a blank white page post deployment

No, it doesn’t. It returns a 404 which is something very different. This is not a Hugo issue, but a Cloudflare pages issue.

Damn safari strikes again!

Safari is rendering it white, Firefox black, and Chrome shows as you mention the 404. Well at least I know it’s a Cloudflare thing and not Hugo. Thank you!

Looks like you fixed it:

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