First of all, I would like to thank for the team building Hugo. Exactly what I was looking for ! Thanks !
I have a hosted website with SSH access but no root (that means no ability to use dpkg…). It uses Debian 10 buster.
I need the extended version of Hugo as I use image processing.
If I install hugo_extended_0.96.0_Linux-64bit.deb (with dpkg-deb -x) or hugo_extended_0.96.0_Linux-64bit.tar.gz, executing hugo gives an error :
without root access, you shouldn’t be able to install .deb packages.
Two solutions:
contact your host and request this installation
check your requirements and potentially switch to another solution based on github/gitlab CI.
I’m using the free hosting from Gitlab and it works fine. Here is an example of a config file for Hugo Extended: .gitlab-ci.yml · main · / Hugo Gallery · GitLab
Thanks for your reply.
I understand the problem with package installation.
I use the Gitlab CI. But as it’s a genealogy site with lots of documents, the whole site is very heavy to my host (I’d rather prefer this way to Gitlab pages)… So I try to install a workflow on my host.
But the point is also with the .tar.gz archive.
If I download and extract the “regular” version of Hugo no problem.
If I download and extract the “extended” version, I got the crash.
Using the.tar.gz archive lets me putting the hugo executable where I need.
I think there’s a problem only with the extended version.
tar zxvf hugo_extended_0.96.0_Linux-64bit.tar.gz
which hugo (no response)
./hugo version
Why do I need ?
1- I have other websites on my host and I like to have one point and not on my host, Gitlab…
2- Having a lot of documents (>300Mo) running hugo command needs to access the file (extracting Exif, resize for thumbnails…). So I have to put those files on Gitlab repo and then send on my host… Not very efficient…
3- I have my whole document management on my host with shell routines since many years.
4- I have also shell / perl routines to access my genealogy data (individuals) and link the both parts (documents with hugo and individuals data).
By the way here’s the output of file hugo :
hugo: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, Go BuildID=bBjo2xxDI6R2tgAckb3s/lF4fmPjr5JV1VrFbi1yE/3yfQF_TIaqrja6TXR9lV/ggVo7kWq1T0SC3hMLHar, BuildID[sha1]=5d263819ed806aa3faed109ad23a35756be47319, stripped
And archreturns x86_64.
And uname -a returns infong349 4.4.302-icpu-083 #2 SMP Fri Feb 18 09:10:21 UTC 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux
And lsb_release -d returns
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster
That’s an explanation. I’ll contact the hosting company. It looks like limits on number of threads…
At the beginning I thought it was an incompatibility with Debian 10…although it may be surprising.