Creating Multiple Sub-directories

Hi Everyone,

I have developed a website using Hugo. Its completed. Now I want to create multiple sub-directories for example currently I am having only one like localhost:1313. Now with same web contents I want to create 4 subdirectories for example “localhost:1313/sg/”, “localhost:1313/in/”, “localhost:1313/au/” and “localhost:1313/jp/”. So I want to know how to create this and what should I change in my local folders. I mean What should be the folder structures?

All you have to do is creating folders with the respective names in the /Content directory. There add an file. Like so:

├── sg
├── in
├── au
├── jp

In Layouts you have to add a _default folder. In their put at least single.html and list.html file and fill it with some content.


├── _default
    └── single.html
    └── list.html
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Thanks for your reply Its working.