Confusion regarding FelicianoTech/hugo Docker image

Particular ping to @FelicianoTech here I suppose!

When viewing the FelicianoTech/hugo Docker image I see the following text:

Update This image will be superseded soon by an Alpine-based image (rather than this Debian based image). To switch over to that new image, please use <link to: cibuilds/hugo>. That image and this one are currently duplicates, but that one will change in October 2017 to an alpine based image. The commands for the CLI tools (such as Hugo and HTMLProofer) will remain the same.

Clicking through to that link, I read the following on the cibuilds/hugo Docker image

Update This image is going to change soon to be Alpine-based rather than Debian based. To continue to use this image more-or-less as it is, please use <link to: felicianotech/docker-hugo>. That image and this one are currently duplicates, but this will change in October 2017 to an alpine based image. The commands for the CLI tools (such as Hugo and HTMLProofer) will remain the same.

I’m particularly confused by this part in the second link: “To continue to use this image more-or-less as it is, please use <link to: felicianotech/docker-hugo>.” I thought I was supposed to use cibuilds/hugo because it will supersede the earlier one? Am I missing something here?

Thanks for the images by the way! Looking forward to migrating my site to Hugo :slight_smile:


Sorry for the confusion. I need to clean that up. Basically, the base image that I’m using to build this Hugo image will change. So some of the underlying tools might change a bit. This change will now happen in February (I got delayed).

Basically, the main Docker image to use is cibuilds/hugo. In February, that image will no longer include HTML Proofer, Ruby, or RubyGems by default, which is does now. I’m planning on swapping out HTML Proofer for a different HTML testing program that doesn’t require Ruby.

The felicianotech/docker-hugo image will continue to have HTML Proofer, Ruby, and RubyGems for the rest of the year. I’ll probably end that image in December 2018.

Does that make more sense? Or should I try to explain it a different way?

Let’s keep this simple. Just use cibuilds/hugo for the Docker image. Anything necessary to know will be in the readme.

Now it’s not confusing at all! Thanks for your work and the quick response :slight_smile:

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