Confused about templates for deeper content

I’m wondering how I need to organize my templates to style content 3 levels deep.

This is my content structure


  • a/
  • a/
  • b/
  • b/
  • b/
  • c/
  • c/

For all 3 levels I need a different template. How do I accomplish this?


  • list.html (first level
  • ???.html (second level
  • single.html (3 level

Now quite sure how to name the second template? And how do I write the range queries for the two list.html files.

Currently this cannot be done in a straightforward way. Layouts for Nested Sections are not supported.

But there is a workaround for 2 levels deep. But 3 levels? I have no idea.

For the 3rd level (as you call it) you can use layout in the front matter of the posts that belong in that Nested Section.

In Hugo 0.33 (coming soon) Hugo respects layout and type in sections (and other list types), which will improve this.


Thanks Guys.

I figured it out. The following code is working for my situation

{{ define "main" }}
<div class="wrapper m6-b">
  {{ if .Params.page_title}}
  <div class="w-medium h-center text-center m3-b">
    <h2 class="f2">
  {{ end }}
  {{- if .Sections -}}
    <div class="grid grid-thirds grid-gap-medium m3-b">
      {{- range .Sections -}}
      <div class="grid-item">
        {{ partial "kennis-card" .}}
      {{- end -}}
  {{ else }}
  <div class="wrapper">
    <div class="w-medium h-center m6-b">
      <div class="m3-b">
        <h1 class="f1 b-bottom m3-b">{{.Title}}</h1>
        <div class="m2-b">
        <h2 class="f2 m1-b">Artikelen</h2>
        {{ range $index, $element :=  (where .Data.Pages "Type" "kennisbank") }}
          <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" class="card f5 no-underline gray p1-lr p1-t m1-b">
            <span class="m1-b">{{.Title}}</span>
        {{ end }}
  {{- end -}}
{{ end }}