Hello! I have 3 websites that I built with hugo and host on AWS Amplify. I am not a big fan of Google Analytics, that is what most people use for run some analytics about their websites, and considering that AWS Amplify provides access logs, where you can get most the information you need (number of users, referrals, etc), I was looking for a solution to run analytics on top of access logs. One option is to use AWS Athena + AWS Quicksight, but I am not big fan of the last one either. So I have decided to build an app for mac/ios that would allow me to monitor my websites:
It is free for macos, if you download from this website, and 9.99 for downloading from apple store, which will include ios/macos apps with automatic updates.
Hope you can try at least a free version, you will like it, and I am open for feedback!