Clever link to latest Hugo version download?

Hi everyone. I have a documentation page instruction my users on how to set up the Hugo environment for their contributions:


Now, you can see that is outdated, but I don’t want to have to change this every time there is a Hugo release. Does any one know of a clever way to link to the latest Hugo release for Ubuntu 64-bit?

How can I get the bit that should read 0.41 at the moment?

Answering myself, I found out that GitHub keeps a tag called latest so here’s a clever (if I may say so) bash thing to get the latest Hugo for Ubuntu 64bit:

wget`wget -qO- | grep -oE -m 1 ''\/gohugoio\/hugo\/releases\/download\/v[0-9]+.[0-9]+\/hugo_[0-9]+.[0-9]+_Linux-64bit.deb'`

Interesting things for geeks:

  • the inner wget uses the -qO- option to redirect downloaded output to stdout so I can handle it directly by piping, without writing to any file on disk.
  • so that gives me a GitHub HTML page which I can parse for the first (-m 1) reference to a 64bit deb package. That will be the latest.
  • grep -oE uses a regular expression to get what I want, and tells grep to give me just that part of the line
  • the outer wget concatenates this path+filename with the domain and downloads the file

Of course, I knew none of these things ten minutes ago, one learns as one goes along :slight_smile:

EDIT: improved regular expression to match version numbers in an even cleverer fashion


Nice work.

While that will work for now, after bep has been busy, it will eventually fail :wink:

Releases > v9 such as 10.01 or any with more than 99 point releases such as 0.100 would fail.

I will add a separate thread to show how to do the same thing using PowerShell for Windows users.

Thanks for pushing me to improve! :slight_smile: - I’ve edited the expression to match more version numbers.

For anybody interested in the Powershell version, here’s a link

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There was an extra apostrpohe breaking the command I gave above. Also, it wasn’t able to handle the minor versions, like the latest 0.47.1.

So here is a new command with both of these issues fixed:

wget`wget -qO- | grep -oE -m 1 '\/gohugoio\/hugo\/releases\/download\/v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]*\/hugo_[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]*_Linux-64bit.deb'`

If you want the latest extended Sass/SCSS version use this one instead:

wget`wget -qO- | grep -oE -m 1 '\/gohugoio\/hugo\/releases\/download\/v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]*\/hugo_extended_[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]*_Linux-64bit.deb'`

There’s been a few changes in the format of the release links since the last post here, but the following should download the latest release of April 2023.

Replace with your preferred release, and be mindful about the extension of the output:

curl -s --silent -N "" | jq '.assets[] | select(.name | contains(""))' | jq .browser_download_url | xargs wget -qO- >

or use the following for the extended version:

curl -s --silent -N "" | jq '.assets[] | select(.name | contains("") and contains("extended"))' | jq .browser_download_url | xargs wget -qO- >

or to extract the executable directly:

curl -s --silent -N "" | jq '.assets[] | select(.name | contains("") and contains("extended"))' | jq .browser_download_url | xargs wget -qO- | zcat > hugo.exe

The last one is not bulletproof: it can fail if you go over the GitHub API limit (60 calls every hour) or if hugo.exe is somehow not the first file in the archive.

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