Hi all,
I’m running Hugo 0.126.1.
I’ve copied the example from the docs into /config/_default/languages.yml
defaultContentLanguage: de
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir: true
contentDir: content/de
disabled: false
languageCode: de-DE
languageDirection: ltr
languageName: Deutsch
subtitle: Referenz, Tutorials und Erklärungen
title: Projekt Dokumentation
weight: 1
contentDir: content/en
disabled: false
languageCode: en-US
languageDirection: ltr
languageName: English
subtitle: Reference, Tutorials, and Explanations
title: Project Documentation
weight: 2
I’m getting the errors:
Error: command error: failed to create config from result: failed to decode "languages": 2 error(s) decoding:
* '[defaultcontentlanguage]' expected a map, got 'string'
* '[defaultcontentlanguageinsubdir]' expected a map, got 'bool'
I’ve tried
defaultContentLanguage: { en }
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir: { true }
But that gives me
failed to create config from result: failed to decode "languages": config value "en" for defaultContentLanguage does not match any language definition
Have I missed something?