I have just successfully built my first prototype and I am playing around with multilingual functionalities. I managed to get an english version rendered under /… and french under /fr/…
My site being targeted initially for the french speaking population I would prefer to get french render under /… and english under /en/…
Is there a way to redirect a different language on the root level rather than ‘en’ ?
You can use :
defaultContentLanguage = "fr"
In your top-level config.toml. See https://gohugo.io/content/multilingual/ for more multilingual settings.
Good luck with your website!
Thank you for your advises. I have already this settings in place and one more but it does not really help.
I believe it rather influences the filenames as per the doc : “In which case the config variable defaultContentLanguage will be used to affect the default language about.md. This way, you can slowly start to translate your current content without having to rename everything.”
These are my settings :
defaultContentLanguage = “fr” # used for file names
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true