I created a taxonomy for series and am listing them using a series.terms.html template.
I am using the method for Listing All Content In a Given Taxonomy (found in the Displaying Taxonomies section of the Hugo documentation) and it works fine. I get a list of each series by name and the posts associated with it.
However, I could see this list getting quite long, as I intend to create many series. Can a taxonomy list like this be paginated? If so, I’m just not figuring out how to set up the paginator for it.
Hiya. Naturally, the documentation was the very first place I went. If the answer regarding the specific thing I’m trying to do was there, I didn’t find it. Paginating over a specific tag or other taxonomy is evident, but that’s not what I need to do.
I’ll poke around some themes, thanks for the suggestion.
I reread your question, and the .Site.Taxonomies.featured example isn’t currently possible to paginate, not in a simple way, anyhow. It should, but I don’t think it is, please prove me wrong.