Avoid extra directories for one-off layouts?

I find myself in this situation fairly often. My content structure looks like this:

-- about.md
-- faq.md
-- blog
  -- lots.md
  -- of.md
  -- posts.md

And my layouts look like this:

-- home.html
-- about
  -- single.html
-- faq
  -- single.html
-- blog
  -- single.html
  -- list.html

But I’d like to be able to have a structure more like this:

-- home.html
-- about.html
-- faq.html
-- blog
  -- single.html
  -- list.html

Is this a possible future feature, or is there a way to do this or something similar that I’m not aware of?

I am aware that I can just put HTML files in the content folder, but I don’t think I can still connect my CMS to it if I did it that way.

Hello @couchbed ,

you can assign a layout template to each file in the frontmatter.

layout: name-of-template-file 

Many greetings

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Ah, that should actually work great. Thanks! I knew about that parameter somewhere in the back of my brain but didn’t think of it.

I have been using the type parameter in order to get it to find the right layout anyway, so it’s the same amount of work as that. I’m trying to think now whether I will need the type parameter anymore. Probably not unless I need to use it for some reason for sorting pages and such, but these pages usually are just linked from a menu, which I can add them to with the menu parameter. I can’t think of why I would ever need to range through them, and even then, I think they get a default type of “root” or something like that.

Great, this reads like the first time I’ve been able to help someone on this forum instead of always asking. Thanks for your feedback…


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