Hello - I’m trying to setup a site with 3 single pages and a blog, which will have a list of content and then the individual pages for the blog entries. I have my layouts directory setup as such…
In the themes directory there are no layouts or anything, as I’m just using a “blank” theme. However when I have things setup this way, each of the individual pages: careers, contact, and about all render just like their single.html page template markup shows. The blog folder however has a list.html and single.html and when I run the localhost:1313/blog/ nothing shows at all. The refresh in the browser just spins and nothing is displayed.
I’ve tried a few things, like having an empty _default directory, which doesn’t seem to help. However if I setup the _default directory with a single.html and list.html file, then the blog uses those templates but the individual pages now use the _default/single.html template instead of the templates that are actually in their respective directories. I’ve read the docs @ https://gohugo.io/templates/content/ but I seem to be missing something still. Any thoughts on what the problem is here or how I should organize this?