Anyone for Webmention?

I cannot verify the rel="me" with email as I used the shortcut approach to authenticate myself with GitHub.

The webmentions showing up on your site comes later. You need to first verify if you can see your received webmentions on your endpoint. See

That tells how focused reading I do :stuck_out_tongue: … I didn’t even read that edit and started answering the above. Anyways, now that I typed it, I’ll leave it there :slight_smile:

I have this diagram that summarizes my flow.

Yes, a combination of:

  1. Make trigger Zapier hook on receiving each mention. See
  2. I user Zapier to send me emails on receiving mentions + trigger Netlify’s build hook. Create a Netlify build hook at: This of course requires that you deploy your site using Netlify.

I could have even made trigger the Netlify hook directly. But I wanted Zapier so that I can spawn off multiple actions (like sending me email + triggering Netlify) from that one trigger from