AMP baseof template

Hi there,

How can I have a custom baseof.html for my AMP project? In my _default folder I have added baseof.amp.html along side my baseof.html but when I run hugo I only get the baseof.html and Hugo doesn’t use my baseof.amp.html template in the AMP folder.


  home = ["HTML", "AMP", "RSS"]

What am I missing? :-/

Thanks in advance.

We’d need to see the full layouts directory.

Do you have a _default/list.amp.html ?

Hugo doesn’t use my baseof.amp.html template in the AMP folder.

What AMP folder ?

I tried list.amp.html but still didn’t work. Here is a preview of my layouts folder

Sorry, when I said AMP folder, it’s the folder I see when I run hugo and see it in the public folder.
single.amp.html and index.amp.html render perfectly.

Did anyone manage to work this out? I also can’t seem to get baseof to work with amp templates. I can get single and list to work, but it would be really helpful to be able to use baseof.

Also I’m after a variable that tells you which tell output formate is being processed. That would be mega helpful!

baseof for amp works. Under _default create and use baseof.amp.html ->

list.amp.html doesn’t seem to be rendering. Is this a design choice?