Alter shortcode to prevent download of embedded audio file

I have a shortcode that I’m using to embed audio on my site for pandemic student lectures. I’d like to update this shortcut so that I can specify that it not offer a download button for users.


<audio controls style="width: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px">
    {{ with .Get "ogg" }}<source src="{{ . }}" type="audio/ogg">{{ end }}
    {{ with .Get "mp3" }}<source src="{{ . }}" type="audio/mpeg">{{ end }}
    {{ with .Get "wav" }}<source src="{{ . }}" type="audio/wav">{{ end }}
    Your browser does not support the audio element.


This is a question about disabling the download of embedded audio and it has nothing to do with Hugo.

Please search StackOverflow and similar.
