Adding weights to Sections to order on the homepage

I’d like to assign weights to sections so that I can manually reorder them. Is this currently possible?

If not, anyone already developed a workaround?

You want to reorder this?

{{ range .Data.Pages.GroupBy "Section" }}

I’m creating an index that is ordered by section.

{{ range $section, $taxonomy := .Site.Sections }}
    <h4>{{ replace $section "-" " " }}</h4>
        {{ range $taxonomy.Pages }}
        <li><a href="{{ .Permalink}}"> {{ .LinkTitle }} </a> </li>
        {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Right now it’s ordering the sections alphabetically. I’d like to manually assign weights the same way I do to content within each section.

A workaround is to use menus because their weights can be specified in config.toml. But it requires redundant information, parent-child relationships, to be specified in each front matter of articles. For example, content/section2/ needs

  parent = "section2"

So, it would be helpful if there were AllPagesMenu option that adds all the pages to the menu.main reflecting the directory structure. Enabling children = "section2/*.md" in config.toml might be fine too.

Of course introducing section weights is more reasonable.

There is an SectionPagesMenu option, see Menus | Hugo

You can set the weight for the section items in the site config — but: The pages themselves aren’t added to the menu; that was probably a design mistake …

Thank you for the quick reply. You are right. The purpose here is to list all the pages in a hierarchical manner, which is not achieved by SectionPagesMenu.

I can live with redundant front matters (and a short script to keep their consistency) until section weights are supported.