Adding descriptions or other fields to metadata/taxonomies

I would like to make my list pages slightly more robust. For example, let’s say I have 300 articles (or posts, whatever). As part of my content strategy, I’ve decided to tag content not only by tag and category, but I also want to create an audience hierarchy as well. Let’s say I have the following audiences:

  - plumbers
  - carpenters
  - police officers
  - firefighters

In my list page, I can create counts of how many articles are aimed at each of these audiences, but I want to make each of the values in the taxonomy slightly more robust so that when the user navigates to they can see tiles that describe each block of articles that will come up on the next page. OR they could see a similar description at the top of the list.html page for each individual taxonomy item (i.e, vs /

  - plumbers
    - description: We have curated content for you, the plumber. Check
    the following list for articles relating to plungers, sprockets, socket 
    wrenches, and Super Mario Brothers 3. 
  - carpenters
  - police officers
  - firefighters

I think I could do this by creating a separate section folder called audience with subsections/subfolders for each audience, but I’d rather have the convenience and utility of using the taxonomy support built into Hugo. Perhaps using a separate data file that compares the value of a separate YAML/JSON file to pull

audience: {
  plumber: {
    description: "We have curated content for you, the plumber. Check
    the following list for articles relating to plungers, sprockets, socket 
    wrenches, and Super Mario Brothers 3."

But I’m not sure how I would even get started on something like this…
Any help would be greatly appreciated…