Organising content - Taxonomy vs section + cascade in section

In order to learn how to organise content in Hugo, I find taxonomies rather useful. It works like a treat, and you get clean urls ( is available for purchase - I use content sections to keep everything tidy/organised and do not create lists based on the sections. The sections go rather deep, and using the list of the sections would create urls such as is available for purchase -

I use the taxonomy list to display the items of a specific taxonomy term labelling all articles in a section as ‘my term’.
I would like to define metadata on the taxonomy term, so I can use that in the list. I therefore added

with the following front matter

title: “my term”
date: 2021-02-01T16:18:44+01:00
draft: false
test: “testing the tax params”

On the taxonomy list, I wanted to print the “test” param and assumed that within my taxonomy.html.html I could simple add {{ .Params.test }}. But that does not print anything. What am I missing out here?

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