Basically I am having difficulty putting in a line break. I have tried markdown code and html, neither will work (the html just gets escaped, the markdown gets ignored or printed as is).
I had a long conversation with ChatGPT who told me to put a safeHTML tag in the corresponding html file, but I can’t find any of the html files in my project at all – I’m brand new to Hugo but this is confusing to me.
I’ve searched through this forum as well and none of the other answers to similar inquiries work for me.
Unlike the summary field, the theme expects company_name to be plain text; no markdown and no HTML.
You could override the theme’s template if you want:
hugo mod vendor
mkdir -p layouts/partials/blox
cp _vendor/ layouts/partials/blox
The delete the _vendor directory in the root of your project.
Then modify the file you just created, line 41. Change this: