Hugo 0.140 makes newline of linebreak

I’ve just upgraded to a newer version of Hugo (0.140), and the behaviour has changed from what it was previously.

Now for every linebreak I have in my posts/pages, it creates a linebreak in the generated HTML as well. This is different compared to for example GitHub markdown, where a linebreak doesn’t create a linebreak in the generated page. It’s also different to the behaviour of the older versions of Hugo.

Is it possible to revert this behaviour, so that a linebreak in the code doesn’t cause a linebreak in the generated pages?

i doubt that hugo will do that.

that seems to be an issue with your site and theme.

would be good to share a reproducable example to check what’s going on. see Requesting Help

btw. what was the old version.

Hi! You’re absolutely right. I did upgrade the theme at the same time and that seems to be the culprit. Running the old theme but the new hugo keeps the old behaviour. Thanks for the response!

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