A manual for Hugo downloadable in one piece?

Is there a manual for Hugo that is downloadable in one piece? Or a way to download all of the online documentation in one go for offline reading, so that I can read it when I go on offline holiday?

Thanks in advance.


The Hugo docs are built with Hugo. You can download the zipped v0.15 docs branch, unzip it, go into the docs directory, and run hugo server.

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Thanks for this. When I do that, I get

C:\Hugo\hugo docs>hugo server
ERROR: 2016/04/21 Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new
site. Run hugo help new for details Unsupported Config Type “”
ERROR: 2016/04/21 No ‘baseurl’ set in configuration or as a flag. Features like
page menus will not work without one.
CRITICAL: 2016/04/21 No source directory found, expecting to find it at C:\Hugo
hugo docs\content

You probably need to be in C:\Hugo\hugo docs\docs.

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Excellent - thanks!