Why isn't my graphql request working? Unauthorized

{{ $authUrl         := os.Getenv "HUGO_API_AUTH_URL" }}
{{ $gqlUrl          := os.Getenv "HUGO_GQL_API_URL"}}
{{ $gqlUser         := os.Getenv "HUGO_API_GQL_USER"}}
{{ $gqlPass         := os.Getenv "HUGO_API_GQL_PASSWORD"}}
{{ $assetsUrl       := os.Getenv "HUGO_API_ASSETS_URL"}}
{{ $token           := "actualAccessToken" }}

{{ $bearer := printf "Bearer %s" $token }}
{{ $postsPayload := ( dict
    "method" "POST"
    "body" `{ "query": "{ posts { id title } }" }`
    "headers" (dict 
        "Content-Type" "application/json"
        "X-REQUEST-TYPE" "GraphQL"
        "Authorization" $bearer
) }}

{{ with resources.GetRemote $gqlUrl $postsPayload }}
    {{ with .Err }}
        {{ warnf " %s" . }}
    {{ else }}
        {{ $rawData := unmarshal .Content }}
        {{ $rawData }}
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}

OUTPUT : WARN 2022/07/10 13:11:03  failed to fetch remote resource: Unauthorized

The same payload works with curl, vscode etc...

It seems the remote data was cached… passing --ignoreCache during build gave me new access tokens