Issue with unmarshal

There is a code involving json which doesn’t work with the new version, but it wasn’t my code, and I don’t understand it at all before the $description.
So I don’t know how to use .Unmarshal with it.

{{ range .Params.resources }}
{{- $url = replace (replace .url ":" "%3A") "/" "%2F" -}}
{{- $query := querify "accept_lang" "auto" "app_id" $api_key -}}
{{- $request := printf "" $url $query -}}
{{- $json = getJSON $request -}}   
{{ $description := default $json.hybridGraph.description .description }}
{{ $title := default $json.hybridGraph.title .title }}
{{ $image := "" }}
{{ if ne .image "none" }}{{$image = default (resources.GetRemote $json.hybridGraph.image) (resources.Get .image)}}{{end}}
<dt><a target=_blank href="{{.url }}">{{ $title }}</a>{{with $description}}</dt><dd>{{ . }}</dd>{{ end }}
{{with $image}}<img alt="banner image for the related site" loading=lazy src="{{.RelPermalink}}">{{end}}

How do I translate this ?

That’s not much to go on.