Why Hugo keep creating paginator pages when there's no paginate in my config file?

I run hugo v0.74.3.This is my config file:

title        = "Example"
baseURL      = "https://example.com"
languageCode = "en-us"
theme        = "example"
themesDir    = "themes"
assetDir     = "themes/example/static"
publishDir   = "docs"

defaultContentLanguage     = "en"
enableRobotsTXT            = true
disableRSS                 = true
disableKinds               = ["taxonomy", "taxonomyTerm", "RSS"]

googleAnalytics = "UA-###"

  home = ["HTML", "JSON"]

  posts = "/:title"

Whenever I run hugo server --minify or hugo --gc --minify . This is the result.

  Pages            |  4
  Paginator pages  | 15
  Non-page files   |  0
  Static files     |  9
  Processed images |  0
  Aliases          |  2
  Sitemaps         |  1
  Cleaned          |  0

, Hugo keeps creating paginator pages. Why? Thank you very much.

Hugo creates paginator when either one of the page methods .Paginate or .Paginator is in use.

1 Like

You’re right. It works now. Thank you, Bep!

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