Why does range work in one case and not the other?

I have my code setup in the following fashion

{{$d := where (where (where .Params.featured_post.post_options "visible" true) "date" "le" time.Now ) "expiry_datetime" "ge" time.Now   }}
{{range $p :=  (where (where (where .Params.featured_post.post_options "visible" true) "date" "le" time.Now ) "expiry_datetime" "ge" time.Now   )}}
  {{ $data.Set "ftimage" $p.image }}

The results of $d in this case is :

[map[_option:custom date:2021-11-22 15:20:23 -0800 -0800 expiry_datetime:2022-11-22 15:20:23 -0800 -0800 image:/assets/uploads/blog-banner.jpg summary_text:summary text. title: Test Title  url:/Test Feature visible:true]]

The $p will run over the range and do what I need.
However, When I switch to

{{$d := where (where (where .Params.featured_post.post_options "visible" true) "date" "le" time.Now ) "expiry_datetime" "ge" time.Now   }}
{{range $d}}
  {{ $data.Set "ftdate" $d.date }}

It doesn’t seem to range. Wondering what is happening here or a better explanation because I use an almost identical setup here that seems to work swimmingly:

{{range $p := $.Scratch.Get "featured_tags"}}
  {{$pages := first $count (site.RegularPages.RelatedTo (keyVals "tags" $p )) }}
    {{ range $p :=  $pages}}  
    {{ end }}


Edit: Added relative toml frontmatter from index.md

featured_tags = [
  "New Features",

_option = "custom"
date = 2021-11-22T15:20:23-08:00
expiry_datetime = 2022-11-22T15:20:23-08:00
title = "Test Title"
visible = true
image = '/assets/uploads/blog-banner.jpg'
url = ‘/test’
summary_text= “””summary text.”””

Urggh. I see the problem.
you need to use range it to a value

{{$d := where (where (where .Params.featured_post.post_options "visible" true) "date" "le" time.Now ) "expiry_datetime" "ge" time.Now   }}
{{range $t := $d}}
  {{ $data.Set "ftdate" $t.date }}

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