Why does my site redirect to an internal address...?

This is not something that seems to be a Hugo problem, but a problem with how I set up my domain. I understand that, but I’m posting here to: a. be sure that it’s not a Hugo thing and b. get a direction from someone.

My website is at helpdeskheadesk.net hosted at https://gitlab.com/taonaw/taonaw.

I noticed that when I try to embed certain elements (like webpages, as in iframes or videos) the link is usually broken. It seems what’s going on is that my website’s domain is added right before the link itself. The picture below, even though on my local server, demonistates it (when it’s live, instead of the local host, it will be "helpdeskheadesk.net/… www..com).

The link in the HTML looks fine (again see picture), which tells me the shortcode is fine (in this case I used the figure shortcode), but the link it actually takes you to is wrong… which is why I believe this is a domain / website configuration issue, not a hugo problem.

So… why? What should I look into?


You forgot the protocol for the link. It should be:


and not just the domain as you have entered:


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