I have a problem with my github personal website. To deploy my updated website I follow these steps:
###Clone mywebsite-hugo repo from github
cd ~/Documents/Github/
git clone “link to mywebsite-hugo.git”
###Clone website repo from github
git clone “link to USERNAME.github.io.git”
###Change the website’s contents (use markdown)
cd ~/Documents/Github/mywebsite-hugo/
hugo server
ctrl+c to stop server
###Remove old public folder
rm -rf public
###Build website
###Add new content
cd …
cd .github.io
cp -av /Users/micsan/Documents/Github/mywebsite-hugo/public/* .git add -A
git commit -m “updates”
git push origin master
the updated website looks ok when connecting to http://localhost:1313/ and my github repositories get updated, however my website USERNAME.github.com does not update. It looks like it’s stuck to the old version.
What am I doing wrong?